The Boost Your Bible Study Program
The Solution to Successfully Boost Your Bible Study With a Proven Method, Without Being a Bible Expert or Studying for Hours!
My Friend, do any of the following resonate with you?
1. You don't have TIME for Bible study.
If I asked you why you don't study your Bible as much as you'd like, would you say, "I don't have enough time?" Many of us struggle finding time to study. Have you ever said to yourself, "If I had more time, I'd study." What if Bible study could be more efficient and enjoyable?
2. You lack MOTIVATION for Bible study.
Starting can be the hardest part! You might really want to study your Bible, but just don't FEEL LIKE IT. The Bible study just doesn't excite you like other things do. It's not motivating...
3. You want to connect with The Word but DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START or what to do.
This is a real struggle! There are so many different methods out there. You're likely up to your neck in information, but still feel uncertain. You might think that in order to do a Bible study properly you must do things like reference concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, etc. Not to mention having to sort through all of the differing opinions of Bible commentators as you go...You simply want to know what to do and how to start...
4. Everything you've tried has been too vague and simple, or too complicated and confusing.
Maybe you have tried a lot of different methods of studying the Bible... some were fun but not impacting, others seemed promising but were too much work or too academic...
5. You need a study process that's reliable and lasting.
You might start a Bible study routine only to stop after a few weeks. When you try to start up again, you don't have the same momentum as before and it is hard to get started again...
I know these all too well...
Motivated but unequipped, I used to end up reading my Bible slowly and asking myself how what I'd read made me feel. That was my Bible study.
I had no strategies, I knew no methods, I barely knew what the Bible was.
I had no idea what it looked like to study the Bible on my own.
I didn't know where to start.
I knew the Bible was very old and complex, but that made me even more hesitant.
As a gift, I was given Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. I tired using it a number of times but lost motivation and felt I was out of my league. I didn't feel comfortable taking the original language into my own hands.
I had great intentions of learning the Bible and getting to know God better by studying it. The problem was that everything I was trying was way too simple, or way too complex.
Through prayer and a great deal of guidance and consideration, my wife and I moved to Texas and I started going to Dallas Theological Seminary.
In seminary, I realized Bible Study is nowhere near as simple as people make it seem... and nowhere near as complicated, either!!
I learned that there is a balance between simple and complicated Bible study that almost anyone can achieve.
Finding this balance myself, and focusing on what mattered during Bible study, I felt more connected to The Word, and to God's hand in my life.
It's now your turn to get connected!
The Boost Your Bible Study Program
The Solution to Successfully Boost Your Bible Study With a Proven Method, Without Being a Bible Expert or Studying for Hours
With it, you will get...
The Boost Your Bible Study CHEAT SHEET
Keep this in your Bible and instantly access all you need to enjoy a passage! It will remind you and prompt you about the most useful components of Bible study as you go along. This is a big reason why it so easy to study fast, and get back into it, after periods of no study using the Boost Your Bible Study Program!
The Boost Your Bible Study COURSE PACK
The Course Pack is an easy reference to ALL the information in the program. Quickly access it when you need a bit more guidance than the Cheat Sheet offers. After long periods of no study, the Course Pack will be what helps you get your Bible-Study-Life back!
The Boost Your Bible Study VIDEO LESSONS
The Video Lessons are organized around the Course Pack and Cheat Sheet. In short, to-the-point videos, we go through all the components of the fruitful Bible Study process!
You'll Also Get These Awesome Bonuses!!
As students of the Scriptures, it is a good idea to have a general sense about how to defend it. In this extra module, you will learn how to defend the Bible. Was it corrupted? Do we have the original copies? What about science? Is the Bible really God's Word?
Bible study MUST be saturated in prayer! This is a set of 5 prayers that you can use for any Bible study. It includes a prayer for:
BEFORE Your Bible Study
AFTER Your Bible Study
Wisdom in Your APPLICATION
When You Are STUCK!
{You'll love that these powerful prayers are all built on Scripture}
Connect with God's work in your life in Ephesians 2:1-10
Soak in the passage using the devotional Bible study questions
Quick and powerful, a perfect addition to your next Bible study
Stay in LOVE with the Word and Motivated to Study
Perfect to PRINT and keep with your Bible
It's the little things that keep you studying and LOVING it!
They are my favorites! I'm excited to share them
Learn about each word and why I love it
Enjoy knowing some awesome and unique NT Greek words!
This course comes with access to a Private Community Support Group where you can chat with other members about your Bible study and ideas. You will also be able to ask me questions about the program, updates, discuss Bible study, etc. This is a great way for us to keep in touch!
This course won't go anywhere. I will update the course as needed and continue to make it more helpful to you. As time goes on, more and more value will be added!
Take a peek inside the program...
Get started now!
Who is Boost Your Bible Study for?
Beginner Bible Students
Anyone who is new to Bible study or wants to start fresh. You have a Bible, a notebook, and a craving for Scripture.
This course is for you!
Intermediate Bible Students
You have been studying the Bible for years, decades maybe. You want to give your existing Bible study routine, method, approach, etc., a BOOST.
You want to take your Bible study to a deeper level but don't know how or have the time to figure it out.
This course is for you!
Busy People
I am busy.
I have to assume you are, too...
This course is set up for people who are really busy. The Cheat Sheet and Course Pack are super fast to glance at, and the videos are a few clicks away! You can do this course as a busy person and have a great Bible study going.
This course is for you, too.
Who is Boost Your Bible Study NOT for?
"Checkbox" Christians
I'm sorry, but some people, not you, only read and study their Bible to 'check off a box' that they did it...
It is not genuine study that aims to know the Bible and God better. It is only to check off a good deed.
If you are that person, then maybe you should take this course because it will show you how the Bible is actually really awesome and God's Word... so let's see what the God of the universe, who created everything, has to say!
It is a divine Book designed for you!
People Looking for Exegetical Training
Exegesis is the process of objectively studying and explaining the text without adding anything to it. It starts at ground level, the Koine Greek and Hebrew, and works meticulously out from there.
For the most part, this is for seminaries, pastors, commentators... people who are professionally communicating the Word to those seeking to know it.
This course does not teach that. We will focus on personal Bible study that can be applied by almost anyone and requires little more than a Bible.
But, if you are looking for that kind of Biblical training, Dallas Theological Seminary has fantastic programs you should consider.
Who is teaching this course??
I am passionate about the Truth of God and applying it to life accurately. I am fortunate enough to be studying at one of the best seminaries in the country. This gives me a great foundation to really clarify God’s word in language anyone can understand. I want to help people fall in love with the Scriptures and be transformed by them into more Christlike people. I am on this journey myself and welcome you to share in it with me!